
Field Description Option Capabilities / Properties
Auto Generate Systems will automatically generate a number to the field. You can have a prefix and can define the length of the whole field based on the format i.e. YYYYMM, YYMM, MMYY,MMYYYY and for reciting used cases which follows a sequence Label / Group Label: Allows you add a name for the label/group name for the data field
Field Data Type: Automatically selects a datatype for a field.
Computed/Default: Computed - No data entry is allowed in this field. Instead, a non-editable value is displayed in the field. The value that is displayed is automatically calculated based on the expression, function, or constant assigned to the field or values that are contained in other fields.Default - the values computed can be changed for edited
Minimum Entries: Allows to restrict minimum entries
Maximum Entries: Allows to restrict maximum entries
Formula: Fields whose values are generated by manipulating data from other fields present on a lead record
Common Options: Refer the link
Advance option: Refer the Advance option table below
Number to Word It will change the number into words, define number field in the formula field. Numbers are given in number field.
Timespan Its difference between two time zones. For ex: IST-PST
Repeatable Section It’s a section that captures information. It is like a placeholder that allows you to add additional fields. For example: Office Address, Home Address
Fields Group The fields are defined in a group for enhanced viewing. A set of fields that are used together.For example – Qualification, contact details, primary contact, Address
Label It can be used as separate between two fields or to give instructions before a field