Generate a Activities Report for Day Plans in a Date Range

Get a day-wise activities of day plans in the selected date range.

  1. Log in to the web panel.
  2. Click REPORTS on the menu bar.
  3. Scroll down to the Day Plan section.

  4. Click Multi Day Plan Summary/Detailed Progress Report.
  5. Select one or more employees.

  6. Select Detail for the level of detail.
    It defaults to Summary.
  7. Select Activity Based for Type.
    Type defaults to Check-ins Based.
  8. Optional: Change From and To dates.
    Both From and To default to today.
  9. Optional: Select HTML or XLS for Load report as.
    Load report as defaults to HTML.
  10. Click LOAD.
    The sample report shown below was based on the following test data:
    • Both the selected employees have day plans, with two customers in each day plan.
    • Vincent checked into F1 Networks and submitted an activity form.
    • Vincent also checked into Trace Solutions who is not in the day plan, but did not submit any activity forms against it.
    • Ramya did nothing.
    Report will not include data of any day plans against which no activities were performed. For example, Ramya's day plans were not included as she didn't perform any activities. Similarly, Vincent's check-in into Trace Solutions on 2020-06-17 was ignored because he did not perform any activities.
    If you opted for HTML, the report opens in a new tab.

    If you opted for XLS, the browser shows a dialog with Open With and Save File options.